Monday 13 January 2014

Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule:
8:50am - Prepare equipment (camera/microphone/light/costume/props)
9:30 - Leave school and go to my house
9:50 - Set up equipment (move props in position/allow actress to change into her costume)
10:30 - Start filming the hanging sequence
  1. Film the hanging shots first (neck/feet)
  2. Film the Bible reading scenes
  3. Film preparation of the hanging
12:45 - Go back to school for lunch
1:45 - Go back to my house to continue shooting the hanging scene
  1. Film the walking to the tree shots
  2. Sound (footsteps on grass/path)
3:00 - Go back to school to shoot bathroom scene
  1. Film washing hands as a mid shot
  2. Film washing hands as a close up
  3. Film any necessary extra close ups (hairdryer/soap)
4:30 - Film corridor scene
  1. Film corridor scene
  2. Film close up of contract
  3. Film leaving the building
5:30 - Pack up equipment and tidy up props

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