Thursday, 18 September 2014

Audience Profiling

Audience Profiling

Any artist in the music industry, needs to concern themselves with who their target audience are. Once they have established this, they can promote themselves in a specific way that will attract the desired audience. Normally, an artist will segment their audience in order to make finding the right audience easier. This can be done demographically and psychographically.


This is when an audience is segmented in relation to social criteria, such as gender, class, race and sexuality. The best demographic approach to audience involves the JICNARS scale.


This is when the audience is divided based on their lifestyle and their psychological profile. The numerous attitudes, values, lifestyle choices and beliefs can be categorised so that an artist can predict consumption. The Values Attitudes and Lifestyles (VALS) classification system, is the best psychographic profiling system.

1 comment:

  1. Katie this is excellent and detailed blogging which is well presented well done. You have addressed the prep tasks well from introducing what you are expected to complete for your Advance Portfolio to blogging research into existing music artist campaigns. I particularly like the links you have made across a range of media in order to investigate a star image and the whole process of music promotions. You have supported this early research well with use of appropriate comment and informed decision making. Further, you have researched into audience profiling and posted this - you can develop this further by applying VALS to each of the artist and genre of music you have presented.
